How much valuable time is wasted pulling information together, when your customers request verification of your Work Health & Safety Compliance?

Or, when completing third party certification required by your customers to maintain your existing business.

– Unable to locate all your Work, Health & Safety documents, when they are needed?
– Do you know where all your information is located?
– When was the last time it was reviewed?
– Not sure you have the most current version of your documents?
– When was it backed up last?
– Are your back-ups stored off site?

Frustrated with managing separate spreadsheets & calendars and the time it takes to update, manually review all tasks required and set reminders of when to complete tasks.

Let alone, keeping track of all your toolbox meetings, training requirements and license renewals.

There is now an easier way to maintain and improve your Work, Health & Safety system with our cloud-based software. Safetyminder not only covers all those questions listed above, but enables the whole team to assist in the process.

Each member of your team can maintain their own profiles which includes personal & emergency contact details, licenses, training completed, Onsite inductions with customers, review appraisals or request leave with our Safetyminder App (available in both Apple & Andriod versions).

Team members can also complete assigned tasks on the mobile app, which are centrally managed from the office’s web app. Team members use a task-list on the mobile app to keep track of all tasks awaiting completion. Safetyminder will also sent SMS & email reminders of when tasks are coming up for completion or when tasks are overdue.

You can now enter all your documents into Safetyminder and track when things need to occur. Keep all your records in one location. All of your records are maintained in one location and backed up to ensure protection of your data.

Once you have loaded all your data into Safetyminder, the interactive calendar manages the process and enables you to quickly review, change or complete tasks. Insuring your company stays ahead of the game. Keeping your team fully informed at all times.