simPRO integration with Safetyminder
See your simPRO jobs in Safetyminder
Allows you to see your simPRO jobs in Safetyminder selecting the job will automatically create the Customer, Worksite, Contact & Job No.
Technicians can see job numbers or full list
- Technicians or service staff can either see job numbers assigned to them or the full list of jobs.
The list is filtered to show progress and pending jobs, if others are required simply select from the list of job states available.
Create many document types
In Safetyminder you can then create any Job Docs e.g. SWMS, JSA, Checklists, P&E Inspections, etc. When they are signed off in the mobile app a PDF version of the document is sent by as an attachment to the specific job number in simPRO.
Avoid duplicate entries
- Avoids creating duplicate entries and gives you easy access to safety documents in both systems.