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Purchasing Register
Registers – Administrative Registers – Purchasing Register
Under this section, you capture and record all actions around introducing new plant or equipment into the company.
To start, select Add New.
Add the name of the item to the item purchased field.
Add the description to the description field.
Select the name of the team member responsible for signing off the item is ready for use. (Sign off completed on mobile app)
Select the date the item was purchased using date picker.
Select the name of the manufacturer who made the item from the drop down list.
Select the Supplier you purchased the item from using the drop down list of third parties.
If training is required for the item being purchased, then you will need to complete the Training Register.
Either select from the drop down list of training headings already added or select a new heading by clicking on the plus button.
You will need to complete the following fields in the pop-up screen:
Subject – What training is required
Instructor – Name of person giving the instruction
Training Type – Select the type of training from the drop-down list of options
Name of Trainee – Select who will be trained from the drop-down list of options
Duration – Time required to complete the training
Training provided by – Select third party conducting the training
Description – add detailed description of what the training covers.
Date – Select the date of when the training is to be completed
then select Save.
When team members have been consulted on the new item, place a tick in the tick-box and select the date from the date picker.
If this item is to be added to the Plant & Equipment Register then select the ADD button at the right-hand end of the Plant & Equipment Register Details.
Select Asset Type from drop down list
Add the Asset number (numerical only)
Add the Serial or Registration Number
Select the date Added from the date picker
Then add the description of the item purchased
Select who or where it is going to be assigned to, by selecting either Staff or Location first. Then use the drop-down arrow to select who or where it will be assigned to.
If the item requires a safety data sheet then place a tick in the tick-box next to Safety Data Sheet Available.
If you have a copy or want to add a copy of the Equipment Manual then place a tick in the tick-box next to Equipment Manual Available.
If this item requires scheduled service or maintenance then place a tick in the tick-box next to “Does this item need scheduled service or maintenance?”
Select who it will be inspected by clicking on the circle next to either Staff or Third Party.
Select from the drop-down list once staff or third party has been selected.
Select the date of the next inspection/service from the date picker.
If this item requires testing & tagging, then place a tick in the tick-box next to “Does this item need to be Tested & Tagged?”
Select who it will be inspected by clicking on the circle next to either Staff or Third Party.
Select from the drop-down list once staff or third party has been selected.
Select the date of the Next Test Due Date from the date picker.
If known, Select the last Date Tested from the date picker.
If this item require Residual Current Device (RCD) Testing, then place a tick in the tick-box next to “Does this item need to be RCD Tested?”
Select who it will be inspected by clicking on the circle next to either Staff or Third Party.
Select from the drop-down list once staff or third party has been selected.
Select the date added from the date picker.
Add any additional comments or special notes in regard to the purchased item in the comments field.
Then Select Save to return to Purchasing Register screen.
If this item contains hazardous substances requiring it to be added to the Hazardous Substance Register, then select the ADD button at the right-hand end of the Hazardous Substance Register Details.
Add the Type/Name of the Hazardous Substance or Chemical.
Select the weight type from the drop-down list.
Select the size of the container from the drop-down list.
To add the location of where the hazardous substance is stored select ADD ITEM.
Click in the new line that appears and select the down arrow to select location.
Click in the Total Quantity Held field, you can either type in the number required or use the selector arrows to identify the total quantity held.
If the Risk Assessment has been completed, then place a tick in the tick-box.
If a Safety Data Sheet is available, then place a tick in the tick-box.
If Safety Data sheet is already stored then Document Stored tick-box will be ticked.
Then Select Save to return to Purchasing Register screen.
To add the required personal protective equipment (PPE) using the drop down arrow, select the item and select the plus button to add.
To add required Safe Work Method Statements which relate to the use of the item use the drop down arrow to select the appropriate document, then select the plus button to add.
If you have any other documents (EG: Warranty, etc) they can be added to the entry by selecting Add File.
Locate the document in your local hard drive and select open.
The title will upload with the document, but can be changed at any time.
You can add a description of the document as well.
After the initial upload of the document you are then able to use the action icons.
You can delete the document.
You can upload a new version of the document.
Or you can download a copy of the existing document.